

Monday, December 14, 2009

A. W. Surveys : The New Survey Experience

Berhubung banyak permintaan tentang bisnis online menjanjikan dan terpercaya oleh beberapa orang, maka mulai sekarang saya akan menulis tentang bisnis online pada blog ini. Mulai akhir bulan lalu saya juga sudah memasang banner-banner bisnis online yang bukan scam pada blog ini, bisa Anda lihat sendiri :D.

Untuk yang pertama, saya akan membahas tentang A.W. Surveys.

A.W. Surveys ini adalah sebuah program paid review, di mana setelah Anda mendaftar, Anda tinggal mengisi survey-survey yang tersedia dan akan langsung mendapatkan total 27 $.

Nah, dulu A.W. Surveys ini sempat disangka scam karena setelah mendapatkan 27$ tidak muncul lagi survey berbayar pada halaman login mereka. Hal ini dikarenakan pada saat mensurvey web site yang disuruh mereka hanya menuliskan kalimat-kalimat singkat seperti halnya excelent !!, good site.., dll.

Padahal setidaknya kita harus menulis paling tidak 100 kata agar bisa mendapatkan survey berbayar selanjutnya. Bila saat Anda mendaftar dulu sudah terlanjur hanya mengomentari dengan kata-kata singkat, Anda tetap bisa mendapatkan 1 survey evaluasi setiap bulannya dengan nilai 1$, dan setiap kita mengikuti survey evaluasi, kita juga langsung mengikuti undian 500$ yang hanya didapatkan satu orang setiap bulannya.

Selain dengan mensurvey secara langsung, Anda juga bisa mendapatkan dollar tambahan dari referral Anda. Setiap Anda mengajak teman untuk dijadikan referral, Anda akan mendapatkan 1.25$.

Untuk payoutnya, dibayar melalui paypal dengan minimal withdraw 75$, sehingga jika Anda hanya mengandalkan 27$ awal dan referral saja, maka Anda membutuhkan sekitar 39 referral agar dapat mendapatkan pembayaran pertama.

Jika Anda tertarik dengan program ini segera DAFTAR DI SINI atau bisa juga mengklik banner A.W. Surveys di atas.

Berikut ini adalah Frequently Asked Question tentang A.W. Surveys yang mungkin belum saya bahas..


1. Is there any cost or membership fee to join?

No, Membership at A.W.Surveys is Free and you will not be required to pay any membership fees or any other expenses out of pocket.

2. How do I get Paid or How do you pay me?

We currently have Three Payment methods.

Option (1) includes United States Postal Service (USPS) and is Free, this option generally takes 4-6 weeks for delivery. Option (1) is available to anybody in the U.S.

Options (2 and 3) include the use of Paypal (www.Paypal.com) or (www.AlertPay.com) and is an electronic payment, this option generally takes 3-5 business days for delivery. Option (2 and 3) have a ($25) Expedited Service Charge and is taken directly from your A.W.Surveys account with us. The Expedited Service Charge is for the faster delivery time (3-5 days compared to 4-6 weeks).

If you are ready for a payment, click the Redeem Money button and you will be presented with the above options.

These are currently three payment options that A.W.Surveys supports. We are however exploring other payment options.

3. Do you allow members outside the U.S. to join?

Yes, we accept members from around the world. We accept in any area that allows the use of Paypal.

4. When are new surveys posted?

We periodically post new surveys. They are based on age, gender, etc. We normally E-mail when new surveys are available, but please check back regularly for new survey opportunities for some might not be E-mailed. Please do not E-mail asking for more surveys for this will not increase your survey amount.

5. Is there a minimum payout requirement?

Yes, currently the the cash out amount is set to $75. You will not be able to redeem until you have met this minimum amount. We offer some of the highest paying surveys, and offer a great referral system, so this amount should not be hard to reach.

6. How do I refer a Friend?

Please go to the Refer Friends tab and you will be provided with a link to give to your friends. Once they visit this link and sign up for a Free account you will be credited for the referral. You may also use our Banner images with link code to post on a website.

7. Why has my Referral Count decreased?

When we periodically delete Fraudulent accounts and they have your Referral tag on them, you will lose them as your referral. We know that you can not control what your referrals do, but this is why we recommend only referring your friends that you know will not commit fraudulent activities.

8. Why do I get paid for sharing my opinion and filling out surveys?

Companies spend Billions of dollars a year trying to convince consumers that their products are the best and to buy their products and services. They achieve this by getting an understanding how people think and shop. Knowing this, companies are willing to pay you for your opinions. Overall your opinion could help the companies to upgrade their products and services.

9. If I have a busy schedule, will I have enough time to do this?

One of the advantages of taking surveys online is that you can do them at your convenience. That is one of the best parts about surveys and why it's the easiest way for the average person to make some extra cash. You can do it at your own pace. If you have an extra 30 minutes in the morning before you go off to work, you can do a few surveys then. If you have any other spare time throughout the day you can do them and earn money. The great thing about this is that if you get busy with other things and don't have any time to do surveys for awhile, that is okay. You can decide when you want to do them. You can do surveys when it's convenient for you.

10. Is my personal information secure?

All personal information given to A.W.Surveys is strictly confidential and will not be shared with 3rd parties. We provide links to other websites within our website and your information will only be given to them if you yourself give them that information.

11. What are online surveys?

Online surveys are used as a technique for gathering information for companies. They generally are a set of questions which require a participant to answer and then the information is eventually given back to company for reporting purposes. The companies are willing to pay a fee to the participant for their opinions and time.

12. How many surveys can I do in one day?

Survey participation revolves around a couple of factors. We have no set limit on the number you can do a day, but there are only so many that are available on A.W.Surveys. If you qualify for the survey on our website you will be given a link to it, otherwise if no surveys available it will also notify you of that. We also show other survey sites so you can use other companies to amplify the number of survey offers you get.

13. Why was my payment denied or Why was my account deleted?

If you have created fraudulent accounts, do not expect to be paid for them. We will deny your payment if you have created fake accounts to raise your referral count. Please do not waste your time creating fake accounts, our system will catch them, delete them, and deny your payment automatically. Your account may be deleted or flagged for fraudulent activities in the process.

Please follow our T.O.S. when referring friends because we do not allow some forms of referring. The two most popular sites we do not allow you to post referral links on are craigslist.com and myspace.com, please review our T.O.S. for a complete list of rules.

If your account has been inactive for more then 45 days it is removed from our system.

If you have not violated the above rules, please feel free to submit a ticket so we can research your account.

14. How long does it take to complete a survey?

The length of time varies for each project, but we try to keep all of our projects as brief as possible. Most of our surveys range 5-10 minutes. Of course some will be marked longer and some shorter.

15. How can I delete my account if I no longer want to receive your surveys?

Once logged in, please click on Account Settings then click on the option to delete your account.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

[Lyrics] Aris Idol - 1000x Maaf (Seribu Kali Maaf)

Song Lyrics | Lirik Lagu

Artist : Aris Idol
Song Title : 1000x Maaf (Seribu Kali Maaf)

Dalam khayalku terkenang s'lalu
Dalam hidupku hanya dirimu
Mengapa harus aku katakan
Saat kau pergi kau menipuku

Haruskah ini secepat itu
Kau meninggalkan diriku ini

Haruskah aku mengulangi kembali
Ataukah aku harus menahan kau pergi
Sedari dulu tlah ku katakan padamu
Bila ku salah maafkanlah cintaku

Haruskah ini secepat itu
Kau meninggalkan diriku ini hoo...

Sudahlah sudah kembali dalam pelukku
Karna diriku masih terlalu mencintaimu
Mungkinkah aku terlalu hina bagimu
Ataukah mungkin engkau sudah tak cinta padaku

Lepaskan aku bila kau tak mencintaiku
Sambutlah aku bila kau masih mencintaiku

Maafkan aku maafkan saja cintaku
Ku mohon maaf seribu kali maaf
Ku mohon maaf seribu kali maaf houo..
Seribu kali maaf

Download Aris Idol - 1000x Maaf (Seribu Kali Maaf).mp3

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mengkoneksikan Email Yahoo! di Sony Ericsson

Bagi yang mempunyai HP Sony Ericsson pasti mengetahui bahwa di dalam menu Messages terdapat pilihan Email, di mana jika settingannya benar kita dapat langsung mengkoneksikan email yang masuk ke dalam akun kita (Yahoo!, Gmail, dll.). Kendalanya sebagian besar di antara kita tidak mengetahui bagaimana cara menyettingnya.

Berikut ini akan saya jelaskan cara menyetting akun Yahoo! Anda agar dapat terhubung langsung dengan HP Sony Ericsson yang Anda miliki.

1. Masuk ke Messages --> Menu --> Settings --> New Account.

2. Isikan data sebagai berikut.

Account Name :
[Terserah Anda, tetapi untuk memudahkan samakan dengan akun email Anda tanpa @yahoo.com]

Email Alert :
[Sesuai selera Anda]

Connect Using :
[Gunakan settingan WAP sesuai kartu SIM Anda]

Email Address :
[Masukkan akun email Yahoo! Anda]

Connection Type :

Incoming Server :

Username :
[Masukkan akun email Yahoo! Anda]

Password :
[Masukkan password akun email Yahoo! Anda]

Outgoing server :

---Untuk Advanced Setting---

Your Name :
[Masukkan nama Anda atau nickname yang biasa Anda pakai sebagai identitas]

Signature :
[Tanda tangan, yang biasanya muncul di bagian bawah email, isi terserah Anda]

Download S&R :
[Sebaiknya Subject only]

Check interval :
[Pilih semau Anda, ingin setiap berapa menit mengecek email yang masuk, kalau ingin yang baik dicek setiap 5 menit]

Push Email :

Allow connection :
[Any network]

Copy outgoing :

Encryption :
[No encryption]

Outgoing username :
[Akun Yahoo! Anda]

Outgoing password :
[Password akun Yahoo! Anda]

Incoming Port :

Outgoing port :

3. Selesai

Kini setiap ada email yang masuk ke email Anda, akan langsung dikirim juga ke HP Sony Ericsoon yang Anda miliki, tergantung interval yang Anda pilih. Tarifnya tergantung tarif data volume based operator Anda masing-masing.

Selamat mencoba.

Monday, November 16, 2009

[Lyrics] Sembilan Band - Hafizah

Song Lyrics | Lirik Lagu

Artist : Sembilan Band
Song Title : Hafizah

Hafizah kau gadis yang paling cantik
Hafizah kau gadis yang paling manis

Hafizah kau gadis yang paling seksi
Hafizah kau gadis yang paling baik

Sungguh tak mengerti ini bisa terjadi padaku
Ku cinta padamu
Ku sayang padamu
Oh, Hafizah

reff :
Sungguh mati ku ingin bisa mendapatkan dirimu
Walau begitu jauh tuk bisa berjumpa denganmu
Sungguh mati ku ingin bisa mendapatkan dirimu
Walau begitu jauh tuk bisa berjumpa denganmu

Kau dengar hatiku yang mencintamu sejak dulu
Jangan menggodaku, ragu kepadaku
Oh, Hafizah

Back to reff <2x>

Download Sembilan Band - Hafizah.mp3

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

[Lyrics] Yang Pei An & Liu Hong Ling - Gu Shi Wei Wan Cheng (Starlit OST)

Song Lyrics | Lirik Lagu

Artist : Yang Pei An & Liu Hong Ling
Song Title : Gu Shi Wei Wan Cheng

zhi yao zai gei wo dui yi dian shi jian
If I had a little more time

xi wang neng gei ni quan bu de shi jie
I hope to give you the entire world

wo wu fa gai bian
I can’t change
cuo guo de yi qie
All that was missed before

zhi neng rang si nian
My longings could only
ru meng pan xuan
Spiralling like in a dream

zhi yao zai gei wo duo yi dian shi jian
If I had a little more time
xiang wei ni wan cheng suo you de xin yuan
I want to realize all your wishes

duo de meng xiang
Too many aspirations
tai duo de nuo yan
Too many promises

deng dai mei ye
Awaiting every night
man man shi xian
Realising gradually

rang suo you bei shang
Letting all the sorrow
zai ri luo hou zhong jie
End with each sunset

rang wo pei ni
Let me keep you company
ji xu wei wan de qing jie
Completing every unfinished segment

jiu suan ni zai tian bian
Even if you are on edge of the sky
jiu suan ni zai di mian
Even if you are on the surface of the earth

liang ke zhen xin
Two hearts that are true

xiang feng zheng lian zhe yi tiao xian
Like a kite joined by one string

rang suo you kuai le
Letting all happiness
zai ri chu qian man yan
Meander before every sunrise

rang wo kan jian
Let me see
ni zui xing fu de xiao yan
Your smile when you are your happiest

sui ran ni zai tian bian
Though you are on the edge of the sky
sui ran ni zai di mian
Though you are on the surface of the earth

wo men de ai
Our Love
yao xiang yue dao yong yuan
Must be till forever more

Download Yang Pei An & Liu Hong Ling - Gu Shi Wei Wan Cheng.mp3

Monday, July 27, 2009

Taman Nasional Komodo Melaju ke Babak Final - 7 Keajaiban Alam Dunia

Jakarta - Menjadi sebuah kebanggaan bagi bangsa Indonesia ketika Taman Nasional Komodo (TNK) berhasil menjadi salah satu finalis Kampanye "New 7 Wonders of Nature". TNK dinilai berhak melaju ke tahap final setelah menyisihkan kurang lebih 440 nominasi dari 220 negara.

"Pada tanggal 21 Juli 2009 pukul 12.07 GMT (19.07 WIB), New 7 Wonders Foundation telah mengumumkan TNK sebagai salah satu dari 28 finalis yang berhak untuk melanjutkan ke tahap final (Tahap III)," bunyi rilis Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata yang diterima detikcom, Rabu (22/7/2009).

Masyarakat Indonesia diharapkan memberi dukungan sebanyak mungkin agar Taman Nasional Komodo di Flores, Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur, menjadi salah satu dari tujuh keajaiban dunia.

"Mengajak seluruh masyarakat Indonesia dan dunia untuk berpartisipasi aktif melakukan pemilihan, agar terpilih sebagai salah satu dari 'Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia bernuansa Alam' yang akan ditentukan pada tahun 2011," begitu bunyi seruan tersebut.

Ayo tunggu apa lagi, sekarang saatnya melakukan sesuatu yang nyata untuk mengharumkan nama negeri ini dan menunjukan pada dunia Indonesia kita yang sebenarnya.

Bagi anda yang akan memilih dapat melakukan dengan dua cara, Pertama memilih dengan cara online melalui website http://www.new7wonders.com/. Kedua, memilih melalui telephone (SLI) dengan menekan +41 77 312 4041. Setelah pesan selesai dan terdengar bunyi beep tekan kode 7717 untuk memilih Taman Nasional Komodo.

Dukung Taman Nasional Komodo.. Dukung Indonesia-mu.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

[Lyrics] The Law - Band Pop

Song Lyrics | Lirik Lagu

Artist : Tha Law
Song Title : Band Pop

Hey Pop Band
Listen, fuck Ariel from the Peterpan
come here and suck my dick
you played to be a singer but i say fuck it
suara lo kayak lonte yang dipakai bolak-balik

Ian Kasela, lo pake kacamata
gue kirain lo tukang pijit tuna netra
tapi ternyata lo vokalisnya Radja
ngeliat gaya lo, gue jadi mau muntah
lo banyak gaya dan kayak raja singa
gue tantangin lo battle sama satu tiga

dan di mana Bambang anaknya Hotma
ganti nama jadi Bams (yaelah)
lagu lo katro, untung bokap lo kaya
Samsons cuma sampingan lo aja
mendingan gue dengerin lagunya Dewa
daripada lagu lo yang gitu-gitu aja

Dan Kerispatih, vokalisnya kok lucu
itu mikrofon sama giginya beradu
gosipnya sih, lo dan vokalisnya Ungu udah tuker cincin
ternyata lo homo

Piyu Padi sama Didi Element
lo cuma anak kemaren jangan belagak keren
kalo ketemu gue, nanti lo gue backhand
bikin lo meringis kayak cewek yang lagi mens

walaupun album gue nggak selaku album lo
tapi di sini gue tetep bilang fuck you
fuck peterpan and you can fuck radja
fuck kerispatih
fuck ungu
hidup Dewa !

suck my butt semua band pop
kiss my butt semua band pop
lo nggak akan bertahan lama, lu cuma sementara
hip hop akan terus berjaya
we’re gonna fuck you up

bukan gue nggak mau denger lagu lo
liat gaya lo di panggung itu
tapi gue capek lu kayak lonte
lu obral cinte di lagu lo pade
mungkin semestinya lo pada mati aja
peterpan dan radja banci semua
Ello kayak homo yang belagak macho
Agnes Monica bikin gue konak selalu

Download The Law - Band Pop.mp3

Monday, July 20, 2009

[Lyrics] Gretha - Menangis Tanpa Air Mata

Song Lyrics | Lirik Lagu

Artist : Gretha
Song Title : Menangis Tanpa Air Mata

Segala hati ini telah kau bawa
Dengan selimuti cintamu
Separuh rasa ini melupakanmu
Ku tak bisa jauh darimu

Seketika badai datang
Mengoyak kedamaian kita
Aku tak percaya semua ini

Maafkan perpisahan ini
Semua ini bukan keinginanku
Keyakinan itu membuat kita jauh
Pastikan cintamu satu di jiwaku
Ingat selalu aku sayang padamu
Walau aku menangis tanpa air mata

Separuh rasa ini mengungkap kata
Ku tak bisa jauh darimu
Seketika badai datang
Mengoyak kedamaian kita
Aku tak percaya semua ini

Back to Reff:

Walau aku menangis tanpa air mata

Download Gretha - Menangis Tanpa Air Mata.mp3

[Lyrics] Geisha - Jika Cinta Dia

Song Lyrics | Lirik Lagu

Artist : Geisha
Song Title : Jika Cinta Dia

Terlampau sering kau buat air mataku
Tak pernah kau tahu dalamnya rasa cintaku
Tak banyak inginku jangan kau ulangi
Menyakiti aku sesuka kelakuanmu
Ku bukan manusia yang tidak berfikir
Berulang kali kau lakukan itu padaku

Jika cinta dia jujurlah padaku
Tinggalkan aku disini tanpa senyumanmu
Jika cinta dia ku coba mengerti

Teramat sering kau membuat patah hatiku
Kau datang padanya tak pernah kutahu
Kau tinggalkan aku disaat ku butuh kan mu
Cinta tak begini selama ku tahu
Tetapi ku lemah karena cintaku padamu

Jika cinta dia jujurlah padaku
Tinggalkan aku disini tanpa senyumanmu
Jika cinta dia ku coba mengerti
Mungkin kau bukan cinta sejati dihidupku

Back to * 2x

Download Geisha - Jika Cinta Dia.mp3

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

DotA Allstars 6.61b

Download here : http://www.getdota.com/download/map/6.61b

Changelog for v6.61b :
* Fixed some exploits and bugs

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

DotA Allstars 6.61

Download here : http://www.getdota.com/download/map/6.61

Changelog for v6.61 :

## Heroes & Items ##

* Batrider: Lowered Strength gain from 2.5 to 2.0
* Bloodskeer: Bloodbath no longer regenerates from images
* Bone Fletcher: Improved Searing Arrows damage from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50
* Bone Fletcher: Rebalanced Strafe from 20/40/60/80 IAS with 30 seconds cooldown to 50/60/70/80 IAS with 60/50/40/30 seconds cooldown
* Centaur: Reduced Double Edge cooldown (25->12 seconds)
* Faceless Void: Improved base Strength (17->23)
* Furion: Lowered Sprout cooldown from 11 seconds to 11/10/9/8 seconds and manacost from 115/140/165/205 to 100/120/140/160
* Magnataur: Reverse Polarity now pulls units slightly infront of you instead of all around you
* Medusa: Lowered Stone Gaze cooldown (70->35 seconds)
* Medusa: Minor improvements to Mystic Snake speed , cast range and cooldown
* Medusa: Improved Mystic Snake's damage from 60/100/140/180 to 80/120/160/200
* Meepo: Rescaled Geostrike from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20 damage per second
* Nerubian Weaver: Reworked Watchers [details below]
* Nerubian Weaver: Lowered Shukuchi cooldown from 13/11/9/7 to 12/10/8/6 seconds
* Night Stalker: Improved Intelligence growth from 1.25 to 1.6
* Ogre Magi: Reduced Multicast from 30%2x/45%2x+22.5%3x/60%2x+30%3x+15%4x ->25%2x/40%2x+20%3x/50%2x+25%3x+12.5%4x
* Pandaren Brewmaster: Increased Drunken Brawler critical from 1.8x to 2.0x
* Razor: Lowered Intelligence gain from 2.2 to 1.8
* Rooftrellen: Casting Nature's Guise on an allied unit (or other spells) will no longer take you out if you have it on you
* Silencer: Transferred Glaive of Wisdom's secondary effect of +1/-1 Intelligence from hero kills to Last Word. If an enemy hero dies under the Last Word effect, that hero will lose 1 intelligence and you will gain 1 intelligence.
* Silencer: Increased Last Word AoE from 700 to 900
* Rebalanced Curse of the Silent from 10/20/30/40 HP and 5/10/15/20 mana per second for 10 seconds to 50 HP and 25 mana for 2/4/6/8 seconds.
* Sniper: Increased Take Aim range from 55/110/165/220 to 65/130/195/260
* Spectre: Decreased Spectral Dagger cooldown from 25 to 16 seconds
* Tauren Chieftain: Lowered base damage by 10
* Tauren Chieftain: Lowered Strength gain from 2.7 to 2.3
* Tauren Chieftain: Decreased Natural Order percentages to 20/40/60/80%
* Vengeful Spirit: Improved base Agility (22->27)
* Viper: Nethertoxin now only works on enemy units
* Witch Doctor: Increased base Intelligence from 19 to 24 (base damage adjust to remain the same though)
* Aghanim's Scepter (Queen of Pain): Restored original cooldown improvement
* Aghanim's Scepter (Shadow Shaman): Undid part of the nerf on Mass Serpent Wards. It now gives +3 (up 1 from 6.60, down 1 from 6.59d)
* Buriza-Do Kyanon: Improved the critical value from 2.2x to 2.4x
* Helm of Dominator: Converted creeps now gain the Resistant Skin ability, making spells duration on them the same as heroes or Spirit Bear.
* Quelling Blade: Minor reduction to bonus damage (36->32)

## Bugs ##

* Fixed natural regeneration on rax
* Fixed an area where you could get stuck using TP scroll on the minimap.
* Fixed -ns mode
* Fixed a chance for duplicate heroes in -CD

* Batrider: Fixed Radiance from triggering Sticky Napalm
* Medusa: Fixed Splitshot triggering Essense Aura
* Razor: Fixed an error in the damage calculation method for Plasma Field that caused it to be slightly off sometimes
* Rooftrellen: Slightly increased Eyes in the Forest cast range (+25) to fix some order issue bugs
* Rooftrellen: Fixed Living Armor not regenerating structures properly
* Tauren Chieftan: Fixed bug with Natural Order sometimes instantly killing Forged Spirit summoned units

* Aghanim's: Fixed minor incorrect sell value on some versions of the item
* Khadgar's Pipe of Insight: No longer places the buff on units that already have it
* Bottle: Usage no longer removes Curse of the Silent.
* Linken Sphere: Fixed to properly block Mana Void and Nasal Goo
* Poor Man's Shield: Fixed bug with -swap
* Quelling Blade: Fixed bug with -swap
* Quelling Blade: Fixed triggering Curse of the Silent
* Rune: Fixed Regeneration sometimes not being removed when you are full if you use bottle at the same time
* Rune: Fixed Double Damage visual effect to properly show when the user is using low graphics mode

## Gameplay & Cosmetics ##

* Removed the int/agi/str distribution in -CD. It is now like RD in its hero distribution.
* Bottle: Now autorefills at fountain if it isn't fully used (2975)
* Reduced FPS drops when using Shiva's Guard and Plasma Field with some custom import files (PGRu-Unexpect3D)
* Sound Effects: Removed the "Allied hero has fallen" (heavily requested for removal due to annoyances)

* Invoker: Added a new Icon for Sun Strike (5312)
* Juggernaut: You no longer lose control while using Omnislash. You can use items like Dagger while Omnislashing (4938)
* Slardar: Added a new icon for his Bash (3587)
* Tidehunter: Added a new Anchor Smash visual effect (4393)
* Gem of Truesight: Changed hotkey from T to I to help against some common misbuys
* Increased the transparency a little more for the Circle Of Powers that aren't yours.
* Fixed -SP moving your camera away from taverns
* Fixed various minor inconcistences between sentinel and scourge units/buildings
* Fixed some very minor inconsistencies with acquire ranges on some heroes
* Observer Board colors now alternate between white and grey to make it a little more readable

Old Watcher's:
Cooldown: 30/20/10/5 seconds
Movement Speed: 522
HP: 1
Bounty: 10-13
Vision: 1400/1400

Urna Swarm:
Summons scarabs from corpses. The Scarab can burrow and become invisible.
While it is unburrowed, it is visible to the enemy and has an Infestation
ability. Has collision when unburrowed.
Magic Immune.

Cooldown: 14/11/8/5
Movement Speed: 450
HP: 200
Armor: 6
Bounty: 26-38
Burrowed Vision: 400/400
Normal Vision: 1400/1400

Infestation: Can suicide to Silence enemy units 275 aoe around it for 3 seconds and deal 20 damage per second (non-stacking).

[Lyrics] Mikha Tambayong - Cinta Pertama (Kepompong OST)

Song Lyrics | Lirik Lagu

Artist : Mikha Tambayong
Song Title : Cinta Pertama

Ku tak tau
Mengapa aku malu
Setiap aku tau dia didekatku

Aku susah
Bila dia tak ada
Tak ingin jauh ku darinya

Reff :
Ada rasa
Yang tak biasa
Yang mulai kurasa yang entah kenapa

Ini pertanda
Aku jatuh cinta
Cintaku yang pertama

Tuhan tolong berikan isyarat
Semoga ada jawaban atas doaku
Gelisah aku mendambakan cinta
Yang indah tanpa air mata

Download Mikha Tambayong - Cinta Pertama.mp3

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Eyeshield 21 - Max Devil Power Walktrough [NDS]

Eyeshield 21: Max Devil Power FAQ
Created by: BoNyKiD07

I. What is this game?
2. Controls
3. Main Menu
4. Story
5. Specials
6. Credits

1. This game is based on the manga Eyeshield 21. It is a fun game the fully
uses the touch screen and is an overall great football game. It is a fun game
for football fans, manga fans, and strategy fans.

2. Controls

Out of Game:
Put the stylus in a direction you want Sena to run.
Dash the stylus and Sena will also dash.
Double click in the direction Sena is running to perform a spin-move.
To save, click the button on the top left, and then the pencil (third
option). Click the down arrow and then the first option to save.
To load click the up arrow instead of the down arrow and click a gamesave you
want to load.

In Game:
The menu on offense goes as this:

1. Run: Choose a runner and he runs with the ball. To avoid being blocked
click in the blue target or click in the red target for additional special
points. After passing 3 defenders dash the stylus across the screen to run as
fast as you can against the defenders that are chasing you.
2. Pass: Choose someone to pass to and then click in the blue target to catch
and fall or the red part of the target to catch the ball and continue running
with it.
3. Special: Refer to Specials section.
4. Field Goal: Kick the ball for the extra point or if you are near the goal.
To kick it dash the stylus in the middle when the bar is in the red zone.
5. Punt. Same controls as field goal kicks.

The menu for defense goes like this:


1. Block a run. Click on a person that you predict will run the ball and then
if they do a run play dash the stylus across the screen to block them as they
run past you players.
2. Special. This can vary depending on which one you click. Refer to the
specials guide for more details.
3. Block a pass. Click on the person you predict will be thrown a pass to and
if they do a pass play click on the blue area to block the pass or the red
area to intercept.
4. Catch a punt. Usually, the computer punts in the fourth down. When they do
this click the fourth option and it will be easier to run past the defenders
and usually the ball will come closer in your favor.

Hint: For the majority of the time the computer plays in a pattern. The
pattern usually goes like so: First down – pass, second down – run, third
down – pass, fourth down – punt. Use that to stop them with specials or

Note: At certain instances a ball can fumble. When this happens click the
ball when the blue target comes in to recover it.
Also, in the beginning of the game you dash the stylus in the middle when the
bar is in the red zone for best results (same as offense 2.

3. Main Menu
-The main menu is

Story Mode
Battle Mode

Story Mode has two options.

New Game
Load Game

Either one you click, you get an option:

4. Story

Day 1

When you begin the game, click the screen and go through the text. You start
in the classroom. Talk to one of the HA-HA Brothers near the door and they
leave. Get out and run down or up to the stairs. Go down to the first floor
and run to the lockers. Go out and you get three options. They are

Leave the school
Go to the sports field
Go to the team HQ

These options change if you enter from somewhere else so try to remember
Then you will go into a minigame. They basically make you get them lunch. I'm
not currently sure what the ½ or 2/2 mean. Just run to the arrows and you
should make it in time.

After that Mamori will talk to you telling you to avoid Hiruma.

Day 2

Talk to Kurita and then go to school. Once again talk to a Hah brother by the
door and then leave. Redo the mission with a few obstacles and Hiruma will
see you again.The Hah brothers leave and you will talk to Mamori.

Day 3

Once again, talk to Mamori and the Hah Brothers. I believe they ran out of
food so the brothers get angry. You run into the football HQ and Kurita comes
in thinking you and the brothers want to join the Football Team. They tackle
Kurita. He compliments them but says they are doing it wrong and he pushes
back. They run away but Kurita is happy again because you are still there to
join the team. He says Sena can be a manager.

You end up in class. Go downstairs, through the lockers, and outside. The Hah
brothers will see you and another minigame with them chasing you will start.
After you pass them click within the targets to go around the third brother.

Day 4

This day starts with Hiruma ambushing you. He makes you join the Football
Team as Eyeshield 21. Now go to the Football Team HQ and Hiruma will recruit
the Hah Brothers. For the minigame, just run from one side to the other.
There will be some dialogue following that.

Now is a run away from cerebus minigame. After the dialogue, you get the
ability to speed dash by sliding the stylus across the screen in the
direction Sena is running in. So just slide the stylus on the touch screen to
run away from Cerebus and you'll be done with the minigame.

Day 5

This day starts with a mini game that has you sacking a target. Just tackle
it 3 times with good timing and you're done. After that Kurita will tackle it
and break it.

Now, from the classroom, go downstairs and you'll see Kurita sad asking
people to join. Go to the football HQ and talk to Kurita. Then you can leave.

Day 6

Talk to Mamori and Kurita. He'll explain to you how the game works. Now go
downstairs and pass the Football HQ all the way down. Go through the door in
the end and get the guy to join. Go back to the HQ and talk to Kurita. Go
outside and help the guy deliver mail. Dash through the area as fast as you
can delivering the mail. He'll agree to join the team. Hiruma will come in
and add a ton of players. He will also announce your first game.

Day 7

Your first game is coming up (finally.) But you only get to watch the
majority of this one. Hiruma gives you your uniform and re-explains the game.
Now you get to play a mini football game! Listen to the instructions and win!

Hiruma gives you the ball. Now click in the targets to go around the linemen
and get a touchdown.

You change back and Mamori finds you. Then she yells at Hiruma. Hiruma
decides to let Mamori be the team secretary.

From here on you'll begin to actually play the football games.

Day 8

Start by going to the Football HQ. The computer will do a benchpress for

Day 9

Go to the Football HQ and Mamori will give you a quiz (in Japanese.) After
that the day will end.

Day 10

Go to the Football HQ and Mamori will bring you around the school with
everyone wondering who Eyeshield 21 is. They have a team meeting and you have
your first real (scrimmage) game.

Read the controls and win the game.

Day 11

Go to the first floor and talk to Monta. Then go to the end of the 2nd floor
and talk to Hiruma. Now retake Mamori's quiz in the Football HQ and the day

Day 12

Today you just have to play the Oujou White Knights. You need to score one
touchdown at first and then one in the end.

After the game go to the Football HQ area and do a minigame by putting
posters up.

Day 13

Go to the Baseball Area and talk to Monta. The old guy mentions that he
cannot throw and the day ends.

Day 14/15?

Go to the 2nd Floor and look at the signup sheet. You'll notice Monta did not
make the cut. Go into the room behind the signup sheet. Two people are
talking and you'll see Monta. You tell him to join the team and the day ends.

Day 16

Go to the Football HQ and you'll see Himura dragging Monta around. You and
Monta leave and start talking to each other when Hiruma retakes Monta and
convinces him to join the team. That's about all that happens today. Your
team is pretty much ready now, aside from Musashi who I do not think is in
this game. .

Day 17

Go into school and you'll talk to Monta in his Football Uniform. Go to the
Football HQ and there will be a team meeting that makes Monta look stupid.
The team decides to replace the catching man board with Monta now that he's
the catcher so they shoot and destroy it. After that Mamori comes with a
bazooka and blows it up.

Day 18

Talk to Monta and go to the Football HQ. Sena goes to get Eyeshield and Monta
realizes that Sena is really Eyeshield 21. Now you get to save and then you
have a scrimmage game.

Win the game and after some dialogue Hiruma sends Cerebus after Sena and

Day 19

Talk to Monta and a minigame starts. I beat it in 4:81 (kind of slow.) Go to
the baseball area and pass the ball to Monta.

Day 20

Go to the Football HQ and talk to Hiruma. When the dialogue finishes, catch
or miss the pass and the day ends.

Day 21

Go to the Football HQ and Hiruma sends you to the Zokugaku Chameleon's
school. Leave and you end up going back. Go upstairs and to the bottom right
of the 2nd floor. Go into the room and click on the table from the right of
the chair. Sena will put a paper on it and go back to the Football HQ.

Day 22

After all the dialogue save and you get into a game with the Zokugaku
Chameleon's team. Beat them in your first real game and the day ends.

Day 23

Go to the Football HQ and take Mamori's quiz. After that go in front of the
school and talk to Ichimaru and he will give you a minigame. After that the
day ends.

Day 24

In the beginning Rui Habashira of the Zokugaku Chameleon's kidnaps you and
makes you go to his school. Go to the second floor and into the team hideout
near the bottom. Talk to Rui and he kicks you out. Leave the school and go to
the right and there will be a minigame. Just run to the goal and back and the
day is over.

Day 25

When you start the day there will be a little dialogue between you and I
believe Monta. After that go back to the Chameleon's hideout like you did on
Day 24 and redo the minigame with a little twist.

Day 26-28

Go to the football field and go through a play. Just run through the players
and if you can't it does not do anything. Just redo that for three days.

Day 29

Today you have a game with the Chameleon's against the Koigahama Cupids. They
are pretty easy to beat, so just win and the day ends.

Chapter 6:
Day 30

You're in Deimon High again, so go in and Mamori welcomes you back. Then
Hiruma questions you about what happened. Go to the Football HQ area and
Daikichi Komusubi and Manabu Yukimitsu enter the team. Then the players will
do bench presses, Monta having 40 kg, Yukimitsu having 20 kg, the HAH
Brothers having 65 kg each, and Komusubi having 110 kg. Komusubi taunts the
HAH Brothers and they day ends.

Day 31

Go to school and Monta talks to you. Go to the Footbal HQ and you will see
Jumonji looking around. After that cut scene you will go to the football
field for a scrimmage with your new team. It's only a one quarter scrimmage.
Just win the game and Hiruma will send Cerebus after you and the day ends.

Day 32

Yukimitsu talks to you on your way in and you start of f in the Football HQ.
Talk to Komusubi and you get control in the classroom. Go back to the
Football HQ and talk to Hiruma and Kurita. He sends you to the Ojo/Oujou
White Knights School where they are celebrating after winning the Kanto
Spring Tournament. After a few cut scenes the day ends.

Day 33

Go to the football field and do a minigame where you have to tackle the
figure at near maximum or maximum power. Hit it 3/3 times and the day ends.

Day 34

Go through some dialogue, and you get a minigame. Just run to the goal and
back. Then you have to redo the minigame because the coach of the Gunman
doesn't like what you got (?). Redo the mini game with a little twist and
then there will be more dialogue. After that's over, you have to do one play
for the Gunman and Shin talks to you. Then the day ends.

Chapter 7

Day 35

Talk to Mamori, go to the Football HQ area, and then Musashi will come in and
you do a minigame to help him.

Day 36

Talk to Kurita and then do the minigame again.

Day 37

Talk to Mamori and redo the minigame with a twist that will make it a little

Day 38

You should start by seeing the Taiyo Sphinx. After that go to the HQ area and
that Hah Brother's will quit the team. Then they will pick a fight with Banba
of the Sphinx and get beaten up, causing them to resolve to get better and
beat him in football.

Day 39

Go to the Football HQ area and there will be a truck in front of it. The Hah
Brothers are going to come by and help you move it. There will be a minigame
to move it, to win just quickly move your stylus from left to right.

Day 40

Talk to Yukimitsu and then go to the Football HQ. Sena will do a bench press
of 40 kg, which is good compared to his previous 20 kg record. The Ha
Brothers do bench presses of 85 kg each and then the day ends.

Day 41

You save first and then play a game with the Taiyo Sphinx. Near the beginning
(I believe on the second play) Banba pushes Kurita down and laughs because
he's looking up into the sky (read manga for details). This game should be
evenly easy, I remember winning by at least more than 25 points.

Day 42

Go to the room on the bottom left of the fourth floor and the girl will talk
to you and there will be a cutscene.

Day 43

Talk to Mamori in the beginning, and go to the 2nd Floor. Talk to Shin and he
breaks a soda machine. Then you go outside and watch Shin do the dash in 4.4
seconds. There will be a timed minigame where you have to do the same, I
messed up and did it in 4.41 seconds, but it still counted.

Day 44

Go to the room in front of the first floor exit and there will be a bench-
pressing minigame. Just dash the stylus from left to right as fast as you can
to do a bench press.

Day 45 and Day 46

Go to the room on the first floor in front of the bottom left stairs, go
through the cutscene and the day ends.

Day 47

Final day! Just play the Ojo White Knights and the game pretty much ends,
aside from the extras. I won 27-0 =D. After the game there are some victory
speeches and everyone gets along fine. Then the credits go by and you can

Chapter 9

After you save, you get to play the NASA Aliens. They are better than the
previous teams, but they still shouldn't be too bad at all.

After the game you talk to Mamori and then you can begin to buy stuff like
characters and new specials with money. You get money by redoing games and
minigames that you did previously.

5. Specials

Specials can be red or yellow. Red is for run plays and yellow is for passes.
If you do a defensive yellow and the computer does a run you lose half of one
special bar. To gain specials, simply block their ball, stop the runner,
catch the ball, run past people, score a point, etc. As you play the special
bar grows.


Level 1:

Run – 3 Letters: Opens the gap in the line just enough for Sena to hit
through (only works when you move the stylus fast enough to open it.) If not,
Sena only goes through a little for a 1-yard gain or no gain. Messing up
badly in this can lead to a fumble.

Level 2:

Run – 6 Letters: Open the line and Ichimaru runs through the defenders
without them seeing him.
Run – 4 Letters: The defenders open the line for Sena to go through.
Run – 11 Letters: The targets grow easier to hit and Sena starts by stopping
in front of the first defender and changing directions to avoid him. No need
to open the line here.
Pass – 9 Letters: Hiruma does a run fakeout and then makes a pass to
whichever receiver you choose.
Pass – 12 Letters: Monta does a stylish catch and the ball is easier to
Pass – 6 Letters: A longer than average normal pass.

Level 3:

Run – 5 Letters: Easy targets and Sena speeds up after almost getting caught.
Pass – 12 Letters: Easy to catch stylish upside down catch by Monta.
Run – 9 Letters:

Level 4

Pass - 11 Letters: Super long easy to catch pass.
Run – The line opens and Sena runs through quickly and easily.


Level 1:

Pass – 4 Letters: Open the line and let Hiruma sack the quarterback.
Run – 7 Letters: Makes stopping the runner much easier.

Level 2:

Pass – 8 Letters:
Pass – 7 Letters:

Level 3

Pass – Komusubi runs through the line and sacks the quarterback

Level 4

Pass – 6 Letters plus !: Easily break the line and Kurita goes to sack the
quarterback, causing the opponents to lose about 4 yards.

6. Credits

This guide is only for use with Gamefaqs or Gamespot. If someone wants to
link to it it's fine but if they want to put it somewhere email me at
HYPERLINK "mailto:bonykid07@aol.com" bonykid07@aol.com . I just want to
know where it is used. I usually play in the Jump Ultimate Stars board and if
you have questions email me of post in the message boards.
I would like to thanks Nintendo and Shonen Jump for helping the game come out
and the following members:

Kentai6969 for support and helping some people answer questions.
Nobody else atm.

Thanks! And have fun!
----Credit : BoNyKiD07

Friday, June 19, 2009

[Lyrics] ZZ - Dang Dang (Eyeshield 21 OST - 3rd Opening)

Song Lyrics | Lirik Lagu

Artist : ZZ
Song Title : Dang Dang

Uh! sanzan sora wo nottotte dadada
Gangan hoshi ni nokkatte
Uh! kaidan kette agatte-ko! dadada
Dame nara dame-da sore de honmou?
Nanka 'my pace' so-ne 'my name'
Maji kattarii toki ni kattari
Mada shimijimi sunna ikiiki
Kibikibi ike misero iji

Naite-mo waratte-mo oh! toki ha tomatte kunnai daro oo~
Nakushi-te teniire-te oh! Nah motomoto 'zero' daze icchou doudai?

Dandan hare-wataru asu ga aru akirame nante nai-ze
Minmin semi-shigure kikoeru-ne minna no natsuda-ze

Ah!Ah! yume ni mukatte AH!Ah! kunshou wakeatte
Ah!Ah! kurushi-ka nai-ze! 'No.1' mezashi hashitte
Ah!Ah! ame no hi datte AH!Ah! kanji ai tai-ze
Ah!Ah! ashita asatte kinou kyou nanda kanda 'my way'

Banbanzai de 'night and day'
Danzen ii-sa naitatte
Nandai kata wo kashite age tai
Daijyoubu kimi ha 'mou man tai'
Muri ha shouchi! mushiro shounin
Katta 'pouch' ni 'cockroach'
Ore ha 'cynical' jya-naku shirigaru
Karugaru asu hana sakasu

Kansei mikansei oh! docchi demo ii tamerauna-yo
Rainen sarainen oh! chikazuite kunda-yo isshin doutai

Jyanjyan 'Jamaical' konbanwa! akaruku ikou-ze
Minmin semi-shigure kikoeru-ne minna no natsuda-ze
Jyanjyan saka-agari dekiru-kai? ore ha dekinai-ze
Dondon dokidoki ga dogimagi ga ochitsuke aseru na

Ah!Ah! yume ni mukatte AH!Ah! koe dashi atte
Ah!Ah! kurushi-ka nai-ze! 'No.1' mezashi hashitte
Ah!Ah! hare no hi datte AH!Ah! kanji ai tai-ze
Ah!Ah! ashita asatte kinou kyou nanda kannda 'my way'

Yo dandan chikaku natte-ku 'line' to
Omou ga tsuka no ma touku mo nari
Aki-atta eikou ni namida-shi
"Ashita" ni mukau hashi isshou soukai

Dandan hare-wataru asu ga aru akirame nante nai-ze
Dondon susume-ba ii utae-ba ii sunao ni egao de
Dandan ashioto ga aoi sora hibike kaze ni nore
Dondon nobore-ba ii kono semai sekai wo tobidase

Ah!Ah! yume ni mukatte AH!Ah! koe dashi-atte
Ah!Ah! kurushi-ka nai-ze! 'No.1' mezashi hashitte
Ah!Ah! itsu no hi datte AH!Ah! kanji ai tai-ze
Ah!Ah! ashita asatte kinou kyou nanda kanda 'my way'
Oh!Oh! dadada OH!Oh! dadada
OH!Oh! dadada OH!Oh! dadadada.

Download ZZ - Dang Dang.mp3

Monday, June 15, 2009

Collided Map - Map Palsu/Editan tapi Tak Terdeteksi pada Warcraft 3 : Frozen Throne

Awalnya sih saya iseng-iseng membuka replay-replay ketika saya bermain DotA karena ada beberapa kejadian yang cukup aneh, di mana ketika equip dan level team saya sudah cukup bagus, tiba-tiba kalah dengan lawan yang equipnya masih standar dan level yang cukup jauh di bawah kami.

Ternyata memang ada kejanggalan, beberapa skill dari mereka mengalami perubahan yang cukup aneh, tidak sama dengan skill asli yang dibuat oleh Icefrog, misalnya damage menjadi dewa, range skillnya menjadi lebih besar, dll. Alhasil, mereka pun bisa men-counter balik dan akhirnya team saya yang mengalami kekalahan.

Saya pun segera melakukan browsing ke beberapa forum terkemuka di Indonesia. Alhasil saya ketahui bahwa mereka bisa melakukan skill-skill dewa seperti itu karena memakai Collided Map, map palsu tetapi tidak bisa dibedakan dengan map aslinya sehingga mereka tidak perlu download kembali dan juga tidak dicurigai sebagai cheater.

Collided map ini berbeda dengan map editan yang diberi cheat, di mana jika pada map editan yang diberi cheat itu menambahkan cheat-cheat dasar seperti menambah uang secara cepat, menambah level secara cepat, dll., tetapi pada collided map akan memberikan efek IMBA (baca:imbalance) pada skill-skill tertentu pada tiap-tiap hero.

Jika menjadi host ataupun yang join akan berbeda efeknya, berikut adalah penjelasannya (berdasarkan pengalaman saya dan juga beberapa sumber, jika masih menggunakan patch 1.22 ke bawah) :

-> Cheated Map (map yang dibumbui cheat dasar)
Ketika Anda menjadi host menggunakan map ini, maka orang masuk ke room Anda harus mendownload lagi map tersebut, karena dari pihak yang join ketika memasuki room Anda akan mendapati gambar map "Tanda Tanya" yang berarti Anda menggunakan map palsu. Begitu pula jika Anda memasuki room orang yang cr8 menggunakan map asli, tetapi Anda hanya mempunyai map palsu tersebut, maka Anda harus download map yang asli terlebih dahulu agar dapat bermain di room tersebut.

-> Collided Map (map yang skillnya dibuat IMBA)
Ketika Anda menjadi host menggunakan collided map, orang yang masuk ke room Anda harus mendownload lagi map tersebut, tetapi anehnya, pihak yang join sudah melihat gambar inisial mapnya (bukan tanda tanya lagi), so sudah pasti Anda terbukti menggunakan collided map.
Tapi, jika Anda memasuki room orang yang menggunakan official map, tetapi Anda menggunakan collided map, Anda tidak harus mendownload lagi map yang asli karena collided map ini telah berhasil mengelabui Warcraft III : FT versi 1.22 atau di bawahnya.

Collided map ini sepertinya mulai beredar mulai map Dota AllStars 6.59b. Awalnya collided map dibuat hanya untuk map-map yang untuk having fun saja, tetapi karena lamanya kemunculan map Dota AllStart 6.60, maka para pembuat collided map pun iseng-iseng membuat collided map untuk DotA.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa skill IMBA yang akan Anda peroleh jika menggunakan collided map (saya copy dari [MANG]AdAnG from NusaReborn) :
1. Yurnero, Omnislash yang gak selesai2
2. Pudge, Damage skill yang terlalu sakit
3. Naix, Open Wound dengan durasi yang lama dan tingkat lifesteal yang terlalu tinggi
4. Furion, Skill kurung yang gak slesei2
5. Broodmother, Bisa Ilang terus / alias dia kayak punya web di seluruh map
6. Obsidian Destroyer, Bonus sedot Int bisa disalurin ke temen
7. DarkTerror, Chronosphere gak slesei2
8. Sand King, Epicenter durasinya lama dan areanya JAUH lebih gede dari biasanya
9. Invoker, Damage SKill dari (wex, wex, exort) gede banget
10. Witch Doctor, Voodoo Restoration helanya gak masuk akal, Maledict Damagenya Gila2an
11. Nightstalker, MS-nya kenceng terus (Siang2 juga kenceng)
12. Luna, Ultinya gak slesei2
13. Mirana, Bikin Invisible nya gak slesei2
14. Doom, Sekali devour dapet 7000 GOLD
15. Bloodseeker, Walaupun dah diem damage rupture tetap aktif
16. Tiny, Damage Toss dan Avalnche lebih gede dari biasanya
17. Abaddon, Ultinya gak slesei2
18. Kunkka, Torrent arenya dan damagenya lebih gede
19. Bristleback, Damage Quill spray gede banget
20. Lich, Ultinya mantul gak abis2
21. Rylai, Ulti dengan damage, area, dan durasi yang gede
22. Puck, Skill 1 nya panjang BANGET dan damagenya juga sakit banget
23. Lanaya, Refractionnya +4
24. Phantom Lancer, Skill 1 nya damage gede banget sekitar 600 damage (kalo yang ini aq dah pernah ngerasain)
25. Barathrum, Bonus MS dari charge nya masih tetep wallaupun dah nggakl charge
26. Sven, Gods' strength nya gak slesei2
27. Darkseer, Wall Of Replica nya ngopy nya banyak + lama durasinya
28. Ogre Magi, Kalo Multicast 9 kali stun (langsung amti dijamin)
29. BKB / Satanic, Effect BKB nya lama banget (sekitar 20 sec), satanic nya malah lebih lama lagi

Permasalahan yang cukup rumit adalah orang yang memakai collided map tersebut bisa mengaktifkan cheat (dengan kode-kode tertentu) kepada siapa saja, tidak peduli kawan ataupun musuh, sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya fitnah. Tetapi, ada sedikit celah untuk membuktikan bahwa dialah memang sang PEMAKAI COLLIDED MAP.

- Untuk kejanggalan nomor 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29 cheater tidak bisa mengaktifkan ke user yang lain. So, jika Anda menemukan kejanggalan atau skill-skill imba pada nomor tersebut, pemilik hero itulah yang memakai collided map.

- Sedangkan untuk masalah nomor 14 Cheater bisa mengaktifkan ke user yang lain. Tapi goldnya tetep kembali ke cheater. Jadi kalo liat replay bisa diliat yang goldnya IMBA berarti itulah yang memakai collided map.

Pada server yang saya mainkan saat ini (NusaReborn, tapi sepertinya sama dengan server lainnya) masih belum ditentukan hukuman untuk pengguna bug/collided map, sehingga mungkin masih banyak para pengguna MAP CACAD ini yang meneruskan aksi IMBAnya.

Sebenarnya mudah saja untuk mengatasi collided map ini, tinggal mengupgrade patch WC3FT kita ke patch 1.23 karena Blizzard mengeluarkan patch 1.23 untuk mengatasi masalah collided map ini. Masalahnya patch 1.22 saja baru dilaksanakan server Bnet Indonesia beberapa saat yang lalu alias sekitar 6 bulan++ sejak patch 1.22 diluncurkan oleh Blizzard, sehingga mungkin harus menunggu akhir tahun ini atau tahun depan agar server Bnet di Indonesia upgrade ke 1.23, kecuali semakin menjamurnya pengguna collided map sehingga memaksa mereka mengupgrade lebih cepat.

Saran untuk Anda pemain BattleNet, karena sekarang sudah memasuki ver DotA 6.60b, Anda jangan memasuki room yang masih memakai versi 6.59-6.59d karena pada versi tersebut, selain sudah tidak up to date, collided mapnya jelas sudah teruji dengan baik, walaupun mungkin collided map untuk versi 6.60 dan 6.60b juga sudah ada.

Cara Cepat Mengecek Sisa Kuota Speedy # 2

Pada saat saya menuliskan post tentang Cara Cepat Mengecek Sisa Kuota Speedy dan Tagihan Telepon Bulan Lalu, rupanya beberapa hari setelah itu Speedy melakukan upgrade pada Speedy Alert System menjadi versi 3.

Untuk melihat tampilannya login saja di sini :

Nah, setelah login Anda pasti akan melihat tampilan baru dari Speedy Alert System (terdapat pada bagian kiri) di mana akan terdapat gambar baterai dengan tulisan berapa persen sisa baterai tersebut yang melambangkan sisa kuota Speedy Anda.

Untuk software manualnya (tdk perlu membuka browser telebih dahulu), dapat Anda download di sini :
> Download Speedy Alert 3.0 versi Windows
> Download JRE update 11 untuk Windows

Petunjuk Instalasi dan Pemakaian Speedy Alert di Windows :
1. Download file SpeedyAlert.win-3.0.zip
Kemudian donwload juga JRE1.6 update 11 (jika dikomputer Anda belum diinstall JRE).
2. Kemudian ekstrak file tersebut
3. Sebelum aplikasi dijalankan pastikan JRE sudah terinstal.
4. Setelah itu aplikasi dapat dijalankan dengan meng-klik ganda file SpeedyAlert-1.0-exe.
5. Masukkan nomor Speedy Anda dan kini Anda bisa mengecek kuota Anda.

Atau, jika Anda tidak mau klik-klik software (langsung klik di history browser) silahkan saja langsung menuju URL berikut ini :


Ganti xxxxxxxxxxxx dengan nomor Speedy Anda dan bookmark alamat URLnya. Jika suatu saat Anda ingin mengecek lagi, anda tinggal membuka halaman bookmark. Atau jika Anda jarang menghapus history browser, anda tinggal mengetikkan kata "infousage" (tanpa tanda kutip) dan nantinya browser akan memberikan alamat URL yang lengkap dan Anda tinggal menekan enter.

URL ini saya dapatkan berkat browser yang saya pakai waktu itu, yaitu Maxthon browser. Sehabis saya mengecek sisa kuota melalui web, tercantum URL tersebut dan akhirnya saya coba-coba, dan berhasil.

Berikut ini adalah screen shotnya :

Sekarang tinggal terserah Anda mau memilih cara yang mana. Untuk fitur yang paling lengkap Anda dapat menggunakan cara pertama, sedangkan untuk cara kedua dan ketiga Anda hanya bisa mengecek sisa kuota saja. Tetapi seperti biasa, untuk cara kedua dan ketiga, Anda bisa iseng-iseng melihat sisa kuota teman Anda atau akun Speedy milik orang lain jika Anda mengetahui nomor Speedy mereka.

Sekian tutor saya kali ini.
Selamat mencoba ^_^.

Update :
Mungkin cara ini sudah tidak berlaku.
Silahkan dicek versi 3 : http://fair-de.blogspot.com/2012/12/cara-cepat-mengecek-sisa-kuota-speedy-3.html

Sunday, June 14, 2009

DotA Allstars 6.60b

Download here : http://www.getdota.com/download/map/6.60b

Changelog for v6.60b :
* Some minor performance optimizations
* Fixed a fatal error possible when 2 users with blademail active fight each other
* Fixed a desync bug when using -tips while other map languages are in the game
* Fixed Force Staff so it doesn't push you into an impassable terrain
* Fixed some bugs with RS and other modes like RD
* Fixed a group memory bug
* Fixed camera from moving when you pick a hero in RD
* Fixed pink player from not being able to pick the furthest hero in -CD
* Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Echo Stomp to not get dispelled upon damage
* Fixed some issues with Treant Protector's Eyes In The Forest
* Fixed a multiple quelling abuse
* Added a note in the tooltip about Kunkka not being able to use Quelling Blade
* Fixed a minor visual cooldown glitch with the MKB toggle
* Temporarily disabled -terrain snow. It was causing annoying visual side effects for all terrain modes when exploring terrain that had previously destroyed trees. I'll restore this functionality as soon as I can.
* Fixed some typos

This is just a quick bugfix patch to fix exploits being abused. More changes and balance tweaks will come soon in the next patch.

Friday, June 12, 2009

DotA Allstars 6.60

Download here : http://www.getdota.com/download/map/6.60

Changelog for v6.60 :
## Heroes ##

* Added a new hero Batrider to the Scourge [details below]
* Added a new hero Tauren Chieftain to the Sentinel [details below]
* Lightning Revenant: Reworked [details below]

* Medusa: Replaced Chain Lightning with a new ability Mystic Snake [details below]
* Medusa: Replaced Purge with a new ability Stone Gaze [details below]
* Netherdrake: Replaced Frenzy with a new ability Nethertoxin [details below]
* Rogue Knight: Replaced Toughness Aura with a new ability Warcry [details below]
* Slayer: Replaced Ultimate with a new ability Fiery Soul [details below]
* Twin Head Dragon: Replaced Autofire with a new ability Liquid Fire [details below]
* Troll Warlord: Replaced Rampage with a new ability Battle Trance [details below]
* Rogue Knight: Reworked how Stormbolt works [details below]
* Morphling: Reworked how Morphiling's Adaptive Strike works [details below]
* Crystal Maiden: Replaced Frost Nova with a similar new ability Crystal Nova [details below]
* Phantom Assassin: Changed Blink Strike to a new ability Phantom Strike [details below]
* Ogre Magi: Reworked Multicast chance mechanism [details below]
* Sniper: Replaced Scattershot with a new ability Shrapnel [details below]
* Troll Warlord: Replaced Fervor Aura with a new ability Fervor (works like Beastmaster's passive used to)
* Beastmaster: Replaced Beast Rage with a new ability Inner Beast (works like Troll's old attack speed aura)
* Anti-Mage: Reworked Mana Void damage mechanism (now deals equal splash damage to units near the target)
* Silencer: Recoded Last Word to properly detect animation canceling and silence after a spell is casted
* Treant Protector: Reworked Eyes in the Forest [details below]

* Admiral: Lowered Agility (18->14) and Agility Per Level (1.7->1.3)
* Axe: Lowered Base Armor by 1 point (2.8->1.8)
* Bane Elemental: Improved cast range on Enfeeble (800->1000)
* Bristleback: Improved Base Intelligence growth by 0.6
* Bristleback: Improved side angles on Bristleback (90->110)
* Bristleback: Returned the Bristleback passive Quill Spray release cap back (300->250)
* Broodmother: Changed spiderling's armor type from medium to normal and now take damage from first towers (50->100 %)
* Crystal Maiden: Lowered Brilliance Aura (0.75/1.5/2.25/3->0.5/1/1.5/2)
* Dark Seer: Improved Vacuum cast range (600->800)
* Dark Seer: Lowered Ion Shell cooldown (15->7 cd)
* Dark Seer: Vacuum no longer goes through magic immunity
* Dark Seer: Vacuum now drags the units in over 0.3 seconds rather than instantly
* Death Prophet: Witchcraft no longer gives movement speed bonus
* Geomancer: Changed Poof damage (60/80/100/120->50/80/110/140)
* Geomancer: Lowered Poof cooldown (20/18/16/14->16/14/12/10 cd)
* Invoker: Improved Alacrity duration (6->8)
* Keeper of the Light: Changed Mana Leak stun into a slow (2 seconds, 60 %)
* Keeper of the Light: You no longer lose control of your hero when knocked back with Blinding Light
* Lifestealer: Removed the initial stun effect from Open Wounds
* Lion: Voodoo duration reduced from 1/2/3/4 to 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 seconds
* Lone Druid: Added Battle Cry to all level of True Form and scaled the bonus damage/armor (20/2->20/2, 40/4, 60/6) and lowered duration (10->8 seconds)
* Lone Druid: Changed Spirit Bear's ability progression (Lv1->Adds Inventory, Lv2->Adds Return, Lv3->Adds Entangle, Lv4->Adds Demolish and Spell Damage Reduction)
* Lone Druid: Improved True Form's melee attack range (100->150)
* Lone Druid: Rabid now goes on both the Spirit Bear and Lone Druid when casted instead of requiring a target
* Lone Druid: Removed One from True Form
* Lone Druid: Spells now last the same duration on Spirit Bear as they do on heroes
* Lord of Avernus: Lowered Death Coil cooldown (7->6 seconds)
* Lord of Avernus: Gets the Mark of the Abyss buff on his first attack instead of on his second attack
* Luna: Increased Lunar Blessing aura range (300->900)
* Magnataur: Lowered Reverse Polarity cooldown (120->120/110/100 seconds)
* Magnataur: Improved attack animation time
* Magina: Undid recent buffs to base strength (21->16)
* Naga Siren: Reduced collision size (24->8)
* Naga Siren: Lowered Mirror Image cast time
* Naga Siren: Lowered Mirror Image cooldown (50->40 seconds) and manacost (85/105/130/150 to 70/80/90/100)
* Necrolyte: Rebalanced Heartstopper Aura from 0.5/0.75/1/1.25% to 0.4/0.6/0.8/1% and range from 700/800/900/1000 to 1000
* Necrolyte: Lowered Strength per level (2.0->1.5)
* Obsidian Destroyer: Lowered Astral Imprisonment cooldown (20->18/16/14/12 seconds)
* Pandaren Brewmaster: Improved Fire Panda's Immolation (10/10/30->15/30/45)
* Pugna: Life Drain max range improved by 50 and its cast range is now equal to its max range
* Rhasta: Voodoo duration reduced from 1/2/3/4 to 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 seconds
* Rogue Knight: Improved Great Cleave damage (10/20/30/40->20/30/40/50 %)
* Sacred Warrior: Removed the cap on Burning Spears
* Shadow Fiend: Improved Presence of the Dark Lord armor reduction (1/2/3/4->2/3/4/5)
* Shadow Priest: Lowered Shallow Grave cooldown (80/60/40/20->54/40/26/12 cd)
* Silencer: Lowered Last Word duration (1/2/3/4->0.75/1.5/2.25/3)
* Slardar: Slithereen Crush damage type is now Physical type
* Spectre: Restored some vision back to Spectral Dagger path
* Spirit Breaker: Improved AOE on Empowering Haste and added 2% more movement speed bonus
* Stone Giant: Craggy Exterior now gives armor bonus (3/4/5/6)
* Stone Giant: Craggy Exterior now triggers off of units with 300 range rather than just based on melee classification
* Templar Assassin: Changed Refraction duration/cooldown (20/23->17/17)
* Templar Assassin: Changed Psi Blades spill range (80/160/240/320->320) and attack range bonus (50/100/150/200->40/100/160/220)
* Templar Assassin: Refraction is now an instant cast ability
* Terrorblade: Now gets a movement speed bonus during Metamorphosis (+20)
* Tinker: Restricted Black King Bar from refreshing
* Troll Warlord: Rebalanced Blind. Miss from 15/24/33/42 -> 20/28/36/44% and Cooldown from 8 -> 15/12/9/6 seconds
* Twin Head Dragon: Rescaled Ice Path (0.5/1/1.5/2->0.8/1.2/1.6/2 seconds)
* Undying: Lowered Base Armor by 3 points (6->3)
* Undying: Tombstone no longer spawns zombies to attack fogged units
* Ursa Warrior: Rescaled Overpower from 100/200/300/400% IAS with 5 attack count to a constant 400% IAS with 3/4/5/6 attacks
* Vengeful Spirit: Improved Strength Per Level by 0.5
* Vengeful Spirit: Improved Command Aura range (450->900)
* Vengeful Spirit: Improved Wave of Terror a little and added some minor damage (25/50/75/100). Lowered AOE slightly (350->300)
* Vengeful Spirit: Now has normal Base Attack Time (1.77->1.7)
* Windrunner: Lowered Base Attack Time (1.6->1.5)
* Zeus: Arc Lightning becomes available for casting immediately after cooldown rather than wait for the Lightning to finish traveling. Cooldown increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.

## Items ##

* Added a new basic item Ghost Scepter [details below]
* Added a new basic item Quelling Blade [details below]
* Added a new basic item Talisman of Evasion [details below]
* Added a new recipe item Poor Man's Shield [details below]
* Added a new recipe item Force Staff [details below]
* Added a new recipe item Khadgar's Pipe of Insight [details below]
* Added a new recipe item Magic Wand [details below]

* Aghanim's Scepter: New Recipe [details below]
* Manta Style: Reworked [details below]
* Diffusal Blade: Can be upgraded once. Original stats adjusted [details below]
* Maelstrom: Recipe and stats adjusted [details below]
* Linken Sphere: Rewrote parts of the following abilities to be compatible with Linken Sphere: Shackleshot, Brain Sap, Spirit Lance, Test of Faith, Malefice, Poison Touch, Shadow Word, Astral Imprisonment, Life Break, X Marks The Spot, Battle Hunger, Open Wounds, Electric Vortex, Paralyzing Casks, Multicast, Adaptive Strike Strength>Agility, Nether Swap, Rupture, Stifling Dagger, Sprout, Lightning Bolt, Lion's Impale, Nerubian Assassin's Impale, Ravage, Burrow Strike, Unstable Concoction, Mana Leak, Sven's Storm Bolt, Reaper's Scythe, Nether Strike, Gush.

* Assault Cuirass: Lowered recipe cost (2000->1500 gold)
* Assault Cuirass: Positive and negative armor auras now work on structures
* Blademail: Returns pure damage type
* Bloodstone: Lowered regeneration per charge (2->1.5) and passive regeneration (200->150 %)
* Cranium Basher: Uses Belt of Giant Strength along with a slight increase to stun duration (1.1->1.4 seconds). Total cost is unchanged.
* Divine Rapier: Improved damage (200->250 dmg)
* Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Can be used to target yourself
* Eye of Skadi: Lowered recipe cost (1250->750 gold)
* Gem of True Sight: Lowered item cost (750->700 gold)
* Headress of Rejuvination: Lowered recipe cost (225->200 gold)
* Linken Sphere: No longer interrupts your teleportation when it blocks a spell
* Lothar's Edge: Added 125 backstab damage
* Lothar's Edge: Lowered cooldown by 2 seconds (20->18 cd)
* Lothar's Edge: Requires Claymore instead of Mithril Hammer
* Magic Stick: Added a 25 second cooldown (it now has a buildup)
* Manta Style: Can now be disassembled
* Manta Style: Increased cooldown (40->50 cd)
* Mask of Madness: Lowered recipe cost (1050->1000 gold)
* Mithril Hammer: Lowered item cost (1610->1600 gold)
* Monkey King Bar: Now has an extra new passive ability True Strike that can be toggled on and off [details below]
* Phase Boots: Changed the duration/cooldown (5/10->6/12 seconds)
* Phase Boots: Lowered armor bonus (7->5 armor)
* Planeswalker's Cloak: Lowered item cost (650->400 gold)
* Radiance: Removed the 8% evasion and improved burn damage (35->40), AOE (550->650 AOE), and recipe cost (1525->1350 g)
* Refresher Orb: Mana regen is now the total sum of its components (150->200%)
* Ring of Regeneration: Lowered item cost (375->350 gold)
* Sange and Yasha: Removed the recipe requirements
* Satanic: Changed Unholy Rage active (+15% lifesteal and +30 damage for 20 seconds -> +150% lifesteal for 3.5 seconds)
* Satanic: Now retains the bonus damage from Helm of the Dominator
* Stout Shield: Changed damage block system [see details below]
* Stout Shield: Lowered item cost (300->250 gold)
* The Butterfly: Now requires Talisman of Evasion instead of a recipe
* Vanguard: Improved block chances (65->70%)
* Vanguard: Improved health regeneration (5->6 hp)

* Heroes that use scepter now have the information about the upgrades they would get on their ultimate tooltips.

* Aghanim's Scepter: Upgraded Chain Frost doesn't improve bounce count, only damage
* Aghanim's Scepter: Upgraded Eclipse cooldown no longer improves, only the Lucent Beam count gets upgraded
* Aghanim's Scepter: Upgraded Laguna Blade level 3 damage reduced by 100
* Aghanim's Scepter: Upgraded Life Drain cooldown removed and damage reduced (170/200/300->150/200/250)
* Aghanim's Scepter: Upgraded Mass Serpent Wards bonus count nerfed (12->10)
* Aghanim's Scepter: Upgraded Sonic Wave cooldown reduced from 120/100/75 to 110 (Still improves from original 135 cd and via damage)
* Aghanim's Scepter: Removed from Ogre Magi (Might return it later after the rework has time to settle in first)

* Added Bane Elemental to Aghanim's Scepter. Deals more damage
* Added Butcher to Aghanim's Scepter. Deals damage based on his strength and aborbs that to heal himself. Damage from a constant 75/125/175 per second to 75/125/175 + 0.75 x Strength per second
* Added Clockwerk Goblin to Aghanim's Scepter. Allows latching onto allies and reduces cooldown from 80/60/40 to 20 seconds
* Added Faceless Void to Aghanim's Scepter. Lasts 1 second longer and slightly less cooldown
* Added Holy Knight to Aghanim's Scepter. Dramatically reduces cooldown from 120 to 30
* Added Invoker to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves Cooldown and Manacost (30/25/12/5-> 16/8/4/2 cd, 20/50/80/110->0 manacost)
* Added Juggernaut to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves Slash Count and Cooldown (+2 slashes, -20 cd)
* Added Lord of Avernus to Aghanim's Scepter. Increased duration by 2 seconds
* Added Nightstalker to Aghanim's Scepter. Gives unobstructed vision at night
* Added Pandaren Brewmaster to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves the power of the Pandas and adds more duration
* Added Sacred Warrior to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves Damage and cooldown (50->65% damage, 45/30/15->24/16/8 Seconds)
* Added Sand King to Aghanim's Scepter. Adds an extra pulse and lowers cooldown (+1 Pulse, -20 cd)
* Added Shadow Priest to Aghanim's Scepter. Increased Weave duration by 6 seconds. Added 200 AOE
* Added Spiritbreaker to Aghanim's Scepter. Dramatically reduces cooldown from 75 to 20 seconds
* Added Techies to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves Damage and Cast Range (300/450/600->450/600/750 damage and 500->900 range cast range)
* Added Twin Head Dragon to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves spawn time and damage (75/125/175->125/175/225 dmg)
* Added Vengeful Spirit to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves Cooldown (45->10 cd)
* Added Windrunner to Aghanim's Scepter. Does not reduce damage from secondary item effects. Cooldown from 60 to 15.

* Summary of heroes that now make use of Scepter: Lord of Avernus, Bane Elemental, Holy Knight, Clockwerk Goblin, Shadow Priest, Sacred Warrior, Invoker, Juggernaut, Tormented Soul, Slayer, Demon Witch, Moon Rider, Necrolyte, Nightstalker, Pandaren Brewmaster, Butcher, Oblivion, Queen of Pain, Shadow Shaman, Crystal Maiden, Spiritbreaker, Sand King, Twin Head Dragon, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer, Faceless Void, Windrunner, Witch Doctor, Lord of Olympia.

## Misc Highlight ##

* Reorganized heroes into taverns based on hero class. There are now 3 taverns per class, the "good" tavern has the heroes that are easier to recognize as "good", the evil tavern has the heroes that are easier to recognize as "evil" and the mix as the ones that are in between. In each tavern the heroes are organized inside of it by alphabet. The Taverns are colored according to the class. For example, the good Intelligence tavern is Blue with the color darkening as it goes to the evil side.

* Side shops are now organized independent from their item slot in their original stores. This also fixes hotkey conflict issues.
* Reworked the side shop item layouts. There are now two shops there, a Goblin Laboratory and a Goblin Merchant. New items have been added to these shops. Here is the complete listing of the items in there:
Goblin Laboratory: Scroll of Town Portal, Magic Stick, Sobi Mask, Stout Shield, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Health, Cloak, Helm of Iron Will, Mask of Death
Goblin Merchant: Slippers of Agility, Boots of Elvenskin, Belt of Giant Strength, Robe of the Mage, Quelling Blade, Gloves of Haste, Blades of Attack, Quarterstaff, Talisman of Evasion, Kelen's Dagger, Ultimate Orb
* Reorganized all the recipe shops. The goals are both to make room for the recently added items and more importantly to organize them in a manner that makes guessing correctly where an item is an easy task for both existing and new players. I know none of us like to relearn item layouts, but this is a good thing to do for the long run.
- There are 6 recipe shops now in the following order:
Gateway Relics: Misc items that are primarily early game upgrades
Supportive Vestments: Various support style items that you get for your team
Arcane Sanctum: Castable or spell heavy themed items
Protectorate: Has mainly defensive/survival style items
Enchanted Artificats: Mostly orb effect items (with the exception of Yasha)
Ancient Weaponry: All other weapon items.

Note: I'm aware that Aegis is no longer needed in the shops, but I'm keeping it there until we need the space to help new users be aware of its existance through Roshan.

## Modes & Commands ##

* Added a new game mode -cd (-CaptainsDraft) [details below]
* Added a new game mode -rs (-randomside) to randomize which side your team starts in. This does not shuffle the players. It just places a team randomly as either Sentinel or Scourge.
* Added -random Intelligence/Strength/Agility. It gives you 100 less bonus gold than the 250 bonus gold the regular -random gives you.

* Added a new -tips system.If you enter the command, the game will give you 5 pointers (at various stages in the game) that are unique to each hero to help you get the basics down. These are not intended to imply guideliens on how to play a hero, but rather as simple tips if you are new with that hero. These are a work in progress.
* Added -water random
* -water now supports any color combinations using -water r g b format

* You can now change the terrain using -terrain snow on a per user basis. It is no longer a game mode. The "-terrain" or "-terrain default" command reverts the terrain to its normal state. Some of the other terrain modes you guys have emailed me about are still being worked on. I disabled them from this version because of some glitches they cause that haven't been fixed yet. I will work on them more in the future if you guys want them.

* Added -disablehelp to Force Staff
* Added a command to display bonus gold received from Goblins Greed (-gg)
* Added -aa (Arrow Accuracy) for Elune's Arrow hit percentages
* -disablehelp now prevents items from being picked up by non-owners from the fountain area
* -oi is turned on by default in observer games. Using -oi will disable it instead.
* Added a sub command to -om that disables neutral spawns
* Added a player only command "rollhero" or "-rh" to randomly display a heroname. This has no actual functional effect in the game, just a small easy command that some players wanted for their play groups.
* AFK detection no longer considers a player to be AFK during the drafting phases of some game modes

* Switch is disabled by default. Added a new temporary game mode -switchon (-so). Haven't developed a new replacement system for switch yet. There are a few ideas I experimented with but nothing final yet. Based on the feedback I've gotten, I think the best thing to do is to disable it by default and allow a mode for it until a more suitable usage of it can be implemented.
* Improved the text presentation of -switch a little bit so the text is less intrusive

## Gameplay & Performance ##

* Added a few new terrain paths. Here are the rough areas that a change has been done in:
- To the right of the Sentinel Secret Shop above the ramp
- Above the Sentinel Goblin Shop
- Between the forest and the top Scourge lane
- Right side of sent jungle
- To the right of the second top Sentinel tower
- Added a new tree to the Scourge jungle
- In the area between the pair of Scourge neutrals near the powerup

* Range rax no longer has extra regeneration
* Added a new regeneration armor mechanism for towers and rax.
- The "regen armor" is stripped away whenever there are nearby creeps (or corpses). It gets restored once 15 seconds elapse without a nearby unit.
- If a tower or rax takes damage without the regen armor, that life lost can never be naturally regenerated. If it does have the regen armor, then it will regenerate at a rate of 40hp/seconds and take only 25% damage from illusions.
- Flagged areas are 1) All places considered in or near base 2) second Top Tower 3) second Mid Tower 4) second Bot Tower.

* Increased the non-splitting portion of the xp/gold from 8/level xp & 40 gold to 12*level xp & 30+5*level
* The non-splitting xp/gold bonuses are now doubled for EM like the rest of the xp/bounty system is

* Changed the damage type of the first tower to be Siege like the rest of the towers. Adjusted the damage table to keep the damage creeps take in the laning phase unchanged.
* Tower does not regenerate from allied damage (when trying to deny)

## Cosmetic & Misc ##

* Added two new hero kill sounds for 4x and 5x kills
* Added hero and creep stats to the scoreboard title by default
* Deny visual effect is shown by default now. -cson/off toggles it on and off. -di functionalities (and some extras) are now enabled by default.
* The upgrade mechanism of courier has been changed. You no longer lose the hotkey bindings you have when it is upgraded to crow.
* Many passive icons have been replaced with proper passive borders (will do the remaining in the near future)
* Improved color/text presentation for runes
* Adaptive Strike now displays the stun duration as overhead
* Added a joke name to Dragon Knight
* Added a new ability on couriers "Return Home" that sends your courier back to base
* Added a new ability on couriers "Transfer Items" that transfers your items to your hero directly
* Added a new visual effect for Death Pulse
* Added a new visual effect for Last Word
* Added a new visual effect for Mana Void
* Added a warning message when an old unsafe version of Warcraft is detected
* Added a player only sound effect and a text message when your hero respawns
* Added allied-only text message when an ally bottles or picks up a rune
* Added Armor Aura to Neutral Creep Enraged Wildkin
* Added joke name to Axe
* Added text for observers to show what abilities heroes are leveling
* Added the "Allied hero has fallen" sounds
* Added the music that plays in single player when typing "TenthLevelTaurenChieftain" to "-music special"
* Adjusted neutral creep active abilities to all be on the bottom left most spot
* Blackhole now uses an AOE targetting interface
* Bottled Runes now show color coded icons
* Changed Bottle and Captured Rune Icons
* Changed Magic Stick Icon
* Reduced maximum AFK time from 10 to 5 minutes
* Changed Omnislash hotkey from N to E
* Changed the cosmetics on Razor's attack
* Improved the Cooldown animation so it is much easier to tell when a long cooldown spell is available
* Lothars windwalk icon is now the same as the item
* Lycan's attack while in Wolf Form now properly plays an attack sound
* Normal mode can now pick from their team's heroes plus neutral heroes
* Removed Furion teleportation restriction into enemy base (no need because of the new regen system)
* Rot no longer triggers Last Word
* Rune of Regeneration now expires once it you reach max hp and mp
* Silencer Intelligence stealing is now displayed as green for the +1 and red for the -1
* Splitshot no longer automatically turns off when you get disabled
* Stout Shield has a new icon now. Poor Man's Shield uses stout's old icon.
* Terrain snow now morphs regular trees into special snow trees.
* Updated Illusion Rune tooltip
* Updated Morph's tooltip to reflect the recent attributes bonus added to it
* You no longer lose vision if an ally or yourself that is targeted with Astral Prison
* Improved icon for Soul Steal (172705)
* Added a new icon for Sunder (172705)
* Added a new icon for Tombstone (263561)
* Added a new icon for Lycan's Feral Heart (180452)
* Changed the icon for Ring of Protection
* Decreased model size of Spirit Bear and True Form slightly
* Added a new visual effect to God's Strength
* Enigma returns to the Scourge alliance
* Linken Sphere now plays a sound when the cooldown is ready and its active on you

## Bugs ##

* Diffusal Blade automatically fixes itself to burn properly on images when it reaches 0 charges (you used to have to drop and pick it up)
* Fixed a bug with manavoid damage (it dealt less damage than it should at higher levels)
* Fixed a rare bug with Open Wounds allied lifesteal
* Fixed a bug with Open Wounds and Infest
* Fixed a Moonlight Shadow not working on allied magic immune units
* Fixed a rare suicide bug with Terrorblade
* Fixed a recently introduced bug with Ursa's Enrage not properly triggering fury swipes
* Fixed -hhn to not get reset when a new hero enters the map
* Fixed some bugs with Last Word when Silencer was dead
* Fixed Illusions created from Bottle not showing bottle in inventory
* Fixed Meat Hook not interrupting channeling if the target is fogged
* Fixed Open Wounds heal not working properly with some custom spells
* Fixed Replicate not removing the image when it errors due to backdooring
* Fixed some minor potential bugs with Ion Shell
* Fixed some -switch issues when combined with -ah
* Fixed some very minor inconsistencies between Sentinel and Scourge buildings
* Fixed spells like Laser and Brainsap to work with Decrepify
* Fixed spells like Zeus's Wrath of God from reseting the AFK counter
* Fixed the attachment effects on Invoker, Lina, Lich and Chaos Knight from disappearing and reapearing 1 second later after attack actions.
* Fixed the creep upgrade timer to be in sync with the recent game start time for modes
* Fixed Tiny's Illusions appearing small

# Languages #

The game is now available in 9 languages (5 new ones). English, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, French, Czech, German, and Brazilian Portuguese.

# Details #

Captains Draft:
24 Heroes are randomly allocated in a circle (like RD). The 24 consist of 8 random Intelligence/Agility/Strength heroes, sorted in that order along the circle.

Each team has a total time bank of 2.5 minutes. Blue/Pink draft the heroes for their entire team.

Blue and Pink start off by alternating 1/1/1/1 ban picks.
It then goes into a 1/2/2/2/2/1 hero draft.

Once a hero picks/bans a hero, it immediately switches to the other player to act.
Your timer is shown in read when it is your turn to act.

I am considering implementing a new order for the bans for this mode in the future. The bans would not all happen before the pick process, it would be in between picks. I decided to keep it the traditional way for now and get some feedback on alternatives.

Quelling Blade:
+36% bonus damage to non-hero units (12% for ranged heroes)
Tree Chop
- Kills a Tree
- 40 Cooldown
Cost: 250
Has no sell price
Available at the Goblin Merchant

Can only carry one

Talisman of Evasion:
+25% Evasion
Cost: 1800

250 Gold
+60% to block 20 (10 for ranged)

Note: It has the same statistical value as before for melee.

Poor Man's Shield:
(250) Stout Shield
(300) 2x Slippers of Agility

+60% to block 20 non-hero damage (10 for ranged)
+100% to block 20 hero damage (10 for ranged)
+6 Agility

Force Staff:
(900) Quarterstaff
(1000) Staff of Wizardry
(300) Recipe
Total: 2200

+10 Intelligence
+10 Damage
+10 Attack Speed
Force (active)
Cooldown: 30
Manacost: 100
Castrange: 800
Mechanic: Pushes a unit (enemy, allied or self) 500 units in the direction that unit is facing.

This does not interrupt channeling spells

Khadgar's Pipe of Insight:
(2050) Hood of Defiance
(909) Natherzim Buckler
(800) Recipe

A powerful artifact of mysterious origin, this pipe gives the bearer the insight to summon fields of null energy which envelop nearby allies, protecting them from 400 spell damage. Buff lasts 8 seconds.

+30% Magic Resistance
+8 HP Regeneration
+5 Armor
Barrier (Active)
Cooldown: 60
Manacost: 100
AOE: 700
Mechanic: Provides a 400 damage magic damage shield on nearby allied units. Affects Heroes and non-player creeps. If a unit already has this buff when another barrier is casted, it will override the buff with the new one instead of stacking additively. Buff lasts 8 seconds

Note: The 400 damage is before any magic reductions, not after. So a 300 damage spell removes 300 life from the shield, and not the 225 basic spell resistance. It is taken off the shield before it hits you, thus before any magic resistance is taken into effect.

Ghost Scepter:
1500 Gold
Ghost Form (Active)
+7 All Attributes

Ghost Form: You change form for 4 seconds, taking 44% bonus damage from spells but being immune to physical attacks.
Duration: 4
Cooldown: 25

Monkey King Bar's True Strike:
Makes your attacks never miss.

True Strike Does not stack properly with orb or chance abilities like Frost Arrows, Headshot, etc.

True Strike can be toggled on and off.

Note: MKB still has proc effect

Magic Wand:
(159) 3x Ironwood Branch
(200) Magic Stick
(125) Recipe
Total: 474

+3 All Stats
Energy Charge (15 Charges)

Aghanim's Scepter:
(2000) 2 of any of Blade of Alacrity, Ogre Axe or Staff of Wizardry
(1200) Point Booster
(1200) Recipe
Total: 4400

+10 All Attributes
+200 HP
+150 MP
Improves Ultimates (see list of ultimates in log or on the ultimate tooltips for the heroes it improves)

Diffusal Blade:
(2000) 2x Blades of Alacrity
(450) Robe of the Magi
(850) Diffusal Blade Recipe
Total: 3300

22 Agility
6 Intelligence
Feedback (20 mana)
Purge 8 charges

Diffusal Blade Level 2:
(3300) Diffusal Blade
(850) Diffusal Blade Recipe
Total: 4150

26 Agility
10 Intelligence
Feedback (36 mana)
Purge 8 charges (upgrading to level 2 restocks your charges back to 8)

Note: You cannot restock charges by buying the recipe again. It only upgrades once.

Old Maelstrom:
1400 Claymore
1400 Recipe
450 Boots of Elvenskin
Total: 3250

+25 Damage
+6 Agility
Chain Lightning

1600 Mithril Hammer
900 Recipe
500 Gloves of Haste
Total: 3000

+24 Damage
+15 Attack Speed
Chain Lightning

Manta Style:
2250 Yasha
2100 Ultimate Orb
500 Recipe

+26 Agility
+10 Strength
+10 Intelligence
+15 Attack Speed
+10% Movement Speed
+Mirror Image (same as old one)
Images deal 33% (previously 40%)
Images take 350% (previously 300%)

Fires a ball full of shrapnel into the air. which promptly explodes, showering the target area. Enemy units that walk in this area get damaged and slowed. Deals 30% damage to buildings. Shrapnel lasts for 10 seconds.

AOE: 450
Slow: 15/20/25/30
Slow Duration: 2
DPS: 10/20/30/40

Cast Range: 900
Cooldown: 15
Manacost: 120

Crystal Nova:
AOE Damage: 80/130/180/230
AOE: 400
Slow Duration: 5
Attack Speed Reduction: 20%
Movement Speed Reduction: 30%

Cast Range: 700
Cooldown: 15
Manacost: 100/120/140/160

Adaptive Strike:
It now always stuns and damages.
The amount of the damage and stun varies depending on how much of each attribute you have relative to the other one.

If you have 50% more agility than strength, it deals the maximum of the damage and the minimum of the stun
If you have 50% more strength than agility, it deals the maximum of the stun and the minimum of the damage

Everything in between the two is a smooth transition from one to the other

Damage(lvl1): Min: 0.25x Agility Max: 0.75xAgi
Damage(lvl2): Min: 0.25x Agility Max: 1.5xAgi
Damage(lvl3): Min: 0.25x Agility Max: 2.25xAgi
Damage(lvl4): Min: 0.25x Agility Max: 3.0xAgi

Stun(lvl1): Min: 0.25 Max: 0.75
Stun(lvl2): Min: 0.25 Max: 1.5
Stun(lvl3): Min: 0.25 Max: 2.25
Stun(lvl4): Min: 0.25 Max: 3.0

Min Knockback distance is 100, Max is 300

Storm Bolt:
Targets an area around an enemy unit and releases a magical hammer dealing damage and stunning enemy units.

Damage: 100/175/250/325
Stun Duration: 2
AOE: 250
CD: 14
Manacost: 140
Cast Range: 600


With the righteous anger of one wielding justice, Sven lets loose a mighty Warcry, heartening his allies for battle. Sven and nearby allies gain movespeed and increased armor.

Movement Speed: 12%
Armor: 3/6/9/12
AOE: 350
Duration: 6
Cooldown: 36/30/24/18

Battle Trance:
Jah'rakal unconsciously uses dormant magic to awaken the savagery of every warrior on the battlefield. Greatly increases attack speed for a short duration, and lasts an additional 4 seconds on Jah'rakal.

Attack Speed Bonus: 60/80/100
Duration: 4 seconds
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 75

Note: This is a global spell.

Liquid Fire:
Straight from the belly of the beast, Jakiro slowly harnesses Liquid Fire when he attacks to burn his victims (175 AOE), and slow their attacks.

Damage Per Second: 10/15/20/25
Attack Speed Reduction: 20/30/40/50
AOE: 175
Duration: 5 seconds
Cooldown: 20/15/10/5

Note: Works on buildings

Fiery Soul:
Whenever she casts a spell, she will gain temporary movement and attack speed bonus.

Duration: 5 seconds
Attack Speed Bonus: 20/30/40/50%
Movement Speed Bonus: 2/3/4/5%
Stacks with itself

Phantom Strike:
Teleports to a unit and attacks it. Gains 100% attack speed for 3 seconds while attacking that same target. Maximum of 4 attacks.

Cooldown: 30/20/10/5
Manacost: 50

Old Multicast:
lvl 1 - 20% for 2. [Scepter: 30% for 3]
lvl 2 - 20% for 3. [Scepter: 30% for 4]
lvl 3 - 20% for 4. [Scepter: 30% for 5]

New Multicast:
lvl 1 - 30% for 2.
lvl 2 - 45% for 2 or 22.5% for 3
lvl 3 - 60% for 2 or 30% for 3 or 15% for 4.

No scepter upgrades

Example: Level 2 has 50% chance for at least 2x and a 25% for 3.

This displays overhead showing which multiplier of multicast was achieved.

Eyes In The Forest:
Creates an enchanted tree at a target point, allowing Rooftrellen to see the tree's surrounding area at all times. Vision improves slightly per level.

Cast Range: 100
Cooldown: 300/225/150/75
Manacost: 100/75/50/25

Note: Creates a regular tree if cast on the Sentinel side and a dead tree if cast on the Scourge side. The trees are slightly brighter when they are enchanted.

Passive. Adds bonus damage to your attacks based on how low the target enemy is.

Level 1: 80-100=>2 60-80=>4 40-60=>8 20-40=>16 0-20=>32
Level 2: 80-100=>4 60-80=>8 40-60=>16 20-40=>32 0-20=>64
Level 3: 80-100=>6 60-80=>12 40-60=>24 20-40=>48 0-20=>96
Level 4: 80-100=>8 60-80=>16 40-60=>32 20-40=>64 0-20=>128

The equation is rather simple, it starts off with 2/4/6/8 bonus damage, and doubles each 20% missing hp.

For example, if this is level 3 and the target has 30% health, then you have 48 bonus attack damage.
If this is level 4 and the target has 15% health, then you have 128 bonus attack damage.

Gives half the bonus against creeps and buildings.

Mystic Snake:
A mystic snake made of energy jumps from target to target dealing damage and stealing some energy. After it reaches its last target, it jumps back to Medusa to replenish her mana. The snake deals more damage and steals more mana per jump.

Jumps: 3/4/5/6
Damage: 60/100/140/180 + 20% each successful damage jump
Mana: 20/30/40/50 + 20% each successful mana drain jump

Target A: Unit with mana
Target B: Unit with no mana
Target C: Unit with mana
Target D: Unit with no mana
Target E: Unit with mana

At level 4:
Target A takes 180 damage and loses 50 mana
Target B takes 216 damage and loses 0 mana
Target C takes 252 damage and loses 60 mana
Target D takes 288 damage and loses 0 mana
Target E takes 324 damage and loses 70 mana

In this example, at level 4 cast spell, with a ranged creep and 2 heros both getting hit by it, you regenerate 50+60+70=180 mana

Manacost: 140/150/160/170
Cooldown: 12
Jump AOE: 475
Cast Range: 700

Stone Gaze:
Any enemy units staring at the Gorgon will slowly turn to stone, removing status buffs and slowing all speed properties.

Gaze Duration: 5
AOE: 800
Speed Factor: 2/3/5
Damage to summoned units: 600/800/1000
Cooldown: 70
Manacost: 100/50/0

Doesn't affect units that are not able to see Medusa directly (if medusa is fogged or invisible, then enemy can't see her).

Direct line of sight is required.

# Razor #

Strength: 17 +1.9
Agility: 22 +2.5
Intelligence: 19 + 2.2

Attack Range: 475
Movement Speed: 295

Plasma Field:
Razor releases a wave energetic plasma which grows in power as it extends outwards. Deals damage to units both on expansion and on contraction. The further the plasma is from razor the more energy it has.

Minimum Charge Damage: 40/60/80/100
Max Charge Damage:70/105/140/175
Speed: 800
AOE: 600

Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 125

Note: This can hit a unit once going out and once coming back in. Charge increases to max going outwards, then decreases to min coming inwards. This is a full circle AOE effect, a radius of small electrical effects travel outwards. It spawns from where you are and moves out with you.

Unstable Current:
Passive. Increases the movement speed and reflects a static charge whenever targeted, dealing damage and purging the unit briefly.

Movement Bonus: 3/6/9/12%
Damage: 40/60/80/100
Purge Duration: 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2

Note: Does not trigger on attack orbs like Poison Attack or Frost Arrows

Static Link:
Taps into the energy of a target hero, creating a charged link between Razor and his foe. As long as this link is maintained, Razor will continue to steal damage from the target and adds it to his own.

Attack damage stolen per second: 5/10/15/20
Max link time: 10
Stolen duration: 13 seconds from link break.

Cast Range: 600
Break Range: 700

Manacost: 20/30/40/50
Cooldown: 45/40/35/30

Note: If you target a point on the ground, it will move in that path and lock onto the first hero it reaches. You have vision over the link itself.

Eye of the Storm:
The Lightning Revenant calls upon a powerful storm of crackling energy, which strikes weakened enemies with deadly bolts of lightning. The storm is charged with Razor's malevolent will, and will seek out only the most injured targets for its armor shattering blasts.

Damage: 37.5/50/62.5
Interval: 0.85/0.75/0.6
AOE: 500
Armor reduction per hit: 1 (stacks)

Duration: 20/25/30
Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 80/70/60

Damage dealt is physical. Only targets units in your vision.
This storm stops if Razor dies. Targets the lowest HP unit in the area.

# Batrider #

Strength: 23 + 2.5
Agility: 15 + 1.5
Intelligence: 24 + 2.5

Attack Range: 375
Movement Speed: 290

Cast Point 0.3
Attack Point 0.5
Hero Class: Intelligence

Sticky Napalm:
Targets an area and drenches it in oil. Slows the movement speed and turn rate of units in that area. Extra casts of this on the same targets stacks.

Any fire damage from batrider will ignite the napalm, dealing damage for each stack.

Fire damage is any regular batrider attack, flamebreak or firefly

AOE: 375
Damage: 10/15/20/25
Slow: 3/5/7/9%
Turn rate reduction: 30%

Lasts 7 seconds (refreshes on hit)
Stack max: 10

Cast Range: 700
Manacost: 15
Cooldown: 3

Hurls a highly explosive cocktail of dangerous chemicals at the target position. Upon impacting with an enemy the missile explodes, dealing damage and knocking all nearby foes away from the impact. Any unit who has been Napalmed will take additional damage from the blast.

Knocks back all units in the explosion area proportionally to how far they were from the center

Damage: 75/150/225/300
Max knockback: 400
Explosion AOE: 375
Detection AOE: 100
Damage: 75/150/225/300
Travel Distance: 1600

Manacost: 80/100/120/140
Cooldown: 11

Flies high leaving a burning trail behind. Enemies who dare follow will get burned by the fiery napalm. Nothing can take the skies from him.

Trees in your path are killed by the fire.
Gives you flying pathing

Damage: 20/40/60/80 per second
AOE: 200
Spell Duration: 15
Pathing: Flying

CD: 40
Manacost: 100

Flaming Lasso:
Snags a target with a constricting lasso, allowing the Batrider to drag them behind him as he moves.

Does not drag units over cliffs or impassable terrain.

If you TP or blink away or get ported away, the lasso breaks.

Cast Range: 175
Bind Range: 300
Manacost: 150
Cooldown: 130/90/50
Duration: 3/3.5/4

# Tauren Chieftain #

Strength: 24 + 2.7
Agility: 14 + 1.5
Intelligence: 23 + 1.6

Attack Range: 150
Movement Speed: 300

Cast Point 0.4
Attack Point 0.35
Hero Class: Strength

Since ancient times it has been prophesized by the Tauren elders that a Chieftain will come, strong as the mightiest warriors and wise as the eldest shamans. After many years of wandering the sacred lands, seeking wisdom from his forefathers, Cairne Bloodhoof has proven himself as the long awaited hero. Cairne carries with him the spirit of his mightiest ancestor, and now the ground shakes with the combined strength of the Chieftain and his guardian spirit. No physical nor magical barrier can reduce the power of his enchanted halberd, the weapon used by his guardian in ancient times. Such is the power of this axe that it can split the very earth itself. Seeking revenge for the ravaging of his homeland, Cairne will soon bring his wrath upon the Scourge.

Echo Stomp:
Calls upon the spirit of his ancestors to join him in an earth-shattering echo, rendering nearby foes unconcious. The spirit and Tauren Chieftain both deal 80 damage in the area, the Spirit dealing magical damage and the physical form dealing physical damage. Unconscious enemies will wake if they get hit. If the spirit is seperated from you, it will still perform its part of the spell.

If you damage a knocked out unit, it no longer becomes knocked out/immobile.

There is a spirit version of you doing the stomp animation with you at the same time (you can see it as well). You deal physical damage and it deals magical damage.

Physical Damage: 80
Magical Damage: 80
Channel Time: 1.4 seconds
AOE: 500
Knockout duration: 2/3/4/5 seconds
Manacost: 100/115/130/145
Cooldown: 15

Only player based damage can wake heroes. Damage dealt during a brief period after the stomp will not awaken heroes (0.65)

Ancestral Spirit:
The Tauren Chieftain sends forth his guardian ancestor to bring ruin upon his foes. While seperate from the Chieftain, the spirit will mimic his movement and damage any unit it passes through. When it rejoins the Chieftain, it grants him bonus damage and movement speed for each enemy it has struck.

Magical Damage: 120/160/200/240
AOE: 275

Damage per creep: 3/6/9/12
movement speed per creep: 1%
Danage per hero: 10/20/30/40
movement speed per hero: 5%

Cooldown: 19
Manacost: 110
Max Charge Time: 8

If the spirit has not rejoined with you before that period, it will charge towards you to move back into you and enchant you.

Enchanted Time: 9 (The duration you have the buffs after the joining of the ancestral spirit)

Natural Order:

The Tauren Chieftain uses wisdom gathered throughout the ages to reduce everything to its most basic level. Removes base Magic and Physical resistance.

AOE: 250
Percentage nullification: 25%/50%/75%/100%

Note: This exists on the spirit as well.

Ultimate - Earth Splitter:
Using his mighty axe, the Tauren Chieften rends the very earth itself, sending a jagged crack under the feet of his enemies. After several seconds the earth implodes, sending his foes tumbling inwards. Any unit caught in the implosion will take damage based on their maximum life and have their speed slowed for a short time. Implodes after 3 seconds. Deals 35% of a unit's maximum HP.

Cast Range: 1600
Travel speed: 600 ms
Delay after maturity: 0.5 seconds
AOE: 350
Damage: 35% of each unit's maximum HP (half magical, half physical)
Slow Amount: 30/40/50%
Slow Duration: 3/4/5

Cooldown: 90/75/60
Manacost: 175

Example: You target a point, from where you are towards 1200 in the angle you click on, the split starts growing.
The split grows at 600 ms, so it takes 2 seconds to reach the end.
After it reaches the end, it plays an animation preparing for the implosion for 0.5 seconds and then it pulls everyone in and does the dmg/maim.

## Notes ##

Thanks to everyone that helped test this version and to all the players that have sent their feedback and requests in. There are many changes in this patch, some depend on the other one, so you'll need to play it a bit to get a good idea for how things play out in practice. That being said, don't hesitate to give me your first impressions and your overall feelings towards the update. There will probably be a 6.60b or a 6.61 to follow this one, so let me know any mistakes you find or any suggestions for stuff to change.

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